01/2023 - Study with R. Bosch on the Design Space Exploration of E/E architectures - Pdf of the paper.
06/2022 - Study with Volvo Cars on the scalability of next-generation E/E architectures presented at the 2022 Automotive Ethernet Congress - Pdf of the slides.
02/2021 - Study with Airbus Helicopters on the TSN mechanisms needed in helicopters presented at DASC 2021 - Pdf of the slides.
02/2021 - Study with Renault on QoS-predictable Service Oriented Architectures presented at the 2021 Automotive Ethernet Congress - Pdf of the slides.
09/2020 - Study with BMW on E/E architecture Design Automation presented at the 2020 IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Day - Pdf of the slides.
02/2020 - Study with Volvo Cars on early-stage design choices with design-space exploration presented at the 2020 Automotive Ethernet Congress - Pdf of the slides.
09/2019 - Study with Renault on early-stage design choices with design-space exploration presented at the 2019 IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Day - Pdf of the slides.