Nicolas Navet home page

Professor in Computer Science at the University of Luxembourg

Contact details

View Nicolas Navet's profile on LinkedIn

Affiliation :

University of Luxembourg

Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM)

Department of Computer Science

Laboratory of Advanced Software SYstems (LASSY)

Address :
6, Avenue de la Fonte
Maison du Nombre
L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette

Campus Belval, Maison du Nombre, MNO 03-15-080  




Research in real-time dependable systems and risk assessment

My goal is to advance techniques, tools, and computing platforms that enable the development of provably safe systems in a time- and cost-efficient way, with applications in:

  • Automotive and aerospace embedded systems: automated synthesis of E/E architecture (design-space exploration, machine learning) & timing and dependability verification  
  • Risk assessment: quantify risks using probabilistic models derived from historical data 

Here is a list of my publications (available for download) and slides from recent talks. You can find here a short biography and a list of (academic) professional activities.

Selected works